Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Amber!

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

My sweet girl turns 7 tomorrow. I can hardly believe how fast she grew from just a tiny baby to a big 7 yr old. I'm sure every parent in the world feels exactly the same way. Amber has learned to do so many things on her own. She weaned herself from her pacifier and from me to a bottle, then to a sippycup. She potty trained herself, taught herself how to get dressed and tie her own shoes. And she learns so much every day. It seems everytime I talk to her she has new ideas and theories on how the world works. Some of them are dead-on and I ask her who told her these things. Her answer is usually the same: "My brain tells me, Mom." Here's some pictures through the years. What good memories! I'm so glad I have so many pictures of my sweet Amber-Girl! I love you, Baby!



I know I'm missing pictures from 2006. Early 2007, my computer died and I was unable to recover that years pictures. For some reason, I had all the previous years saved on CD, but not 2006. =(

1 comment:

ballerina girl said...

So, how was her birthday? It sounds like you have a very sweet and smart girl! If only all kids would potty train themselves like her!