I DID get the yards landscaped! And I AM exhausted! But here I am, instead of taking a nap before work, I'm blogging and I'll even post some pictures of my fabulous yard. First of all, Amber's been losing more teeth. She lost 2 in 2 days, but they weren't right next to each other, so she was pretty goofy looking for a few days.
Finally, the middle tooth came out and now she has 3 in a row gone. She was excited to get $2 for the last tooth. Only because the Tooth Fairy's assistant took pity on the poor girl. That darn tooth was a pill! I finally just yanked as hard as I could, and wouldn't you know it, part of the gum was attatched to the darn thing! Whoops! But it had to come out. The adult tooth was already showing.

Now, on to the yards. As you can see, the before pictures are pretty bleak. Just imagine it now with lots of giant dog poo. I had raked it all up before the landscapers came to do estimates cause it was gross. And giant. The big brown spot in the frontyard used to be a big Mesquite tree. We hated it! The dumb tree had 2-3in thorns everywhere! Sooo not kid friendly. So David ripped it out and we didn't get charged for tree removal. At the moment, it's sitting in our garage waiting to be chopped up in pieces to fit in our trash can.

See how pretty our yards are now??? The front yard is done. The tree will grow to full size within 4 years. Isn't it a cute baby tree?? =)

The backyard is maybe 75% done. We're putting in a waterfall in the corner, a playhouse for the kids to the left of the waterfall, a bench to the right of it, and the dirt you see in the foreground is still in debate. David wanted to put in a putting green, but I think he's considering doing a patio thing with outdoor tile, firepit, gazebo, and patio furniture. I kinda think this is a better idea because it's more versatile than a putting green. Only so many people would appreciate that. More would enjoy a nice gathering area for parties or whatever.

The sideyard with the tiny strip of grass is a dog run. We still have to put up the fence. We got a small doghouse for Katie already, but we're still saving up for a shed wich will go in the very back against the fence.

So that's our yards. Didn't I tell you they look nice???
Oooohh, ahhhh, that looks awesome!
Marvelous, just marvelous, I can totally picture the waterfall and sitting bench...remembering how cute your Mom's was on Los lagos!!
wow that does look good!
3000% improvement! Go for the waterfall sitting area, who really cares about golf anyway?
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