Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gross, Gross, Gross!!!

I decided this morning that I have the grossest baby in the world. Yep. You read that right. The grossest. I'll tell you why and then you will definately agree with me! This morning I was busily sewing the last princess dress for Jade's b-day (her party is Saturday!). Paisley was being cheerful and playing nicely on the floor exploring her room, my room, the playroom, and the hallway. Every couple minutes she crawled over to me, stood up using the sewing bench, tapped my back, smiled at me, and then went back to exploring. Well, the last time this happened, I noticed she was eating something. Thinking it was cat food yet again, I reached in with my finger to sweep it out. It was not cat food. No. I wish it was. But no. Miss Paisley found a small pice of cat poo in her exploring and decided it was lunch. NASTY!!! The child who refuses bananas actually found cat poo yummy enough to chew on. Absolutely disgusting. Now do you agree with me?? After a quick phone call to my dad, my fears of her dying of some horrible cat poo induced disease were put to rest. Luckily our cats are strictly indoor only so they are very clean and parasite free. The very worst that could happen is she could have some diarhea. Phew! So at least my gross baby won't die any time soon.....

PS - And yes, I have searched the house for random poo that for one reason or another didn't quite make it into the litter box. There wasn't any anywhere. So I'm not sure where she found it....but she won't be finding any more. Kids and their taste buds = WEIRD!!!


Mandy said...

Rex ate cat poo when he was little too- and he turned out fine..... in a matter of speaking....

Rosanne said...

hahahahahahahaha you just made me laugh Lissa!!! Oh the joys of parenting

The Ray Family said...

Ok thats just gross!!!! Funny...but GROSS!!!! :)