Sunday, January 20, 2013

Shyla's 1 Year Stats

I'm a bit late posting, but still wanted to share. I took Shyla to our new doctor umm...last week? The week before that? Not sure. lol Time is kinda hard to keep track of sometimes. Anyways, the point is that I took her. Here's her stats:
Height: 33in - over 98%
Weight: 23lbs - 60%
Shyla is both our tallest and heaviest baby thus far. She's a full 3in taller than Paisley was at 1. Wish I remembered Amber and Jade's stats at 1. Too bad. Here's what Shyla's been up to:
Eating everything (except potatoes. She refuses to eat potatoes in any form - even fries)
Shyla can unlock my iphone and then knows how to send texts and take pictures with it
She also really likes using David's ipad
Nods her head if the answer is yes to any question
Says "what" if I say her name just right
Crawls around stores barking like a dog
Plays with barbies and ponies by making them "dance" while she sings
LOVES water! Shyla gets very excited for bathtime and loves to blow bubbles in the water
Has a temper (like any red-head)
Is allergic to something - I think strawberries?
Stands on her tiptoes to reach things up high
Shyla is a thrill junkie. She LOVES being "dropped" and thrown and spun. Loves it!

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