Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

After church on Sunday, David decided to go ahead and put up the Christmas tree - something we had debated for awhile. I'm glad he did. It's beautiful! Today David took the three older girls with him so I could wrap presents without any peekers. While he was out, he called to tell me he was buying a new truck. What?? Yup - he traded his Saab for a 2005 Ford F150 Lariat with a hardtop bed cover, four doors, seating for 6, leather interior with wood trim, dvd player, navigation system, and a covers-everything warranty. My only complaint - it's white. lol
Alex brought his kids over to play for a bit. We treated them to our favorite Hawaiian BBQ and showed him around our new home.
This evening we had fun with our traditional Christmas Eve program: reading from The Animals Merry Christmas book, singing carols, jammas from the elves, scripture reading, watching Claymation, setting our cookies and hot chocolate for Santa, and placing the stockings on the couch. The elves were pretty funny this year - they brought Amber and Jade boy footie pajamas! Hahahaha!!! The girls thought it was hilarious! Can't wait for the morning!
Thank you again, Lila! It's gorgeous!!
Amber couldn't stop laughing. lol

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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