Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday

This week, I'm especially thankful.....
1. ...that David let me sleep last night and didn't bug me to tears!
2. ...that it's my last day working this week! Woohoo!
3. ...for the great friend Tai is. Thanks for putting up with all my weirdness! Hahahaha!
4. ...for Pantene ProV Beautiful Lengths Shampoo and Conditioner. My hair hasn't been this healthy in a looooong time. Which is strange since I don't dye it or anything. I don't even blow dry it. Hmmm.....
5. ...for Facebook and Blogger. Both have reconnected me with old lost friends.
6. ...for little girlie hugs and kisses.
7. ...for a warm cat curled up in my underwear. It's seriously hilarious!
9. ...CINNAMON TOAST!!! The best combo ever!

I love you guys! And if anyone wants to come over for Thanksgiving, PLEASE please come over! I really want somebody to cook for!!!! C'mon! I'm offering free food here! =)


Anonymous said...

You guys make me jealous!!! I want to be one of the friends you guys are thankful for!! I hate being far away.

ballerina girl said...

I'm thankful you gave me something fun to read! I love your blog!

Christy said...

I'm officially offended by the 'decent picture' comment. The pics are great though. What's with your new background every day? Do you get paid to come up with those?