Sunday, April 29, 2012

4 Months

Baby Shyla hit 4 months on Thursday. She's growing waaaay too fast! Already wearing some 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers... so sad. Here's what she's been up to:
- working on rolling from her tumy to her back. She's done it several times, just not super easily yet.
- grabbing EVERYTHING and shoving it straight into her mouth
- pulling her binky out and then trying to put it back in (which hasn't worked out for her a single time)
- giggling, smiling, and talking to anyone who will give her any kind of attention
- she can scoot and turn circles while on her tummy
- sleeping 10+ hours at night

Shyla is such a joyful baby! We all just love her!
4 month stats:
14lbs 9oz = 60%
26in = 97%

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

she sleeps 10+ hours at night?!?!?! You are so lucky! Kimball is still working in 6... Shyla looks like such a happy baby!