Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Morning After

And the night of.....
I snuck in her room before going to bed myself and snapped a quick picture as proof I have a good girl. =)
I really love how kids sleep.

Good morning, Sunshine! Someone forgot they can get up out of bed without help now! lol

LOVE this smile! She's pretty ecstatic to have Milo in her bed.

There's my sweet baby face!

She did really well at both naptimes today. In the morning, she got her blanket and cup and climbed into her bed by herself. And in the afternoon, she brought me her blanket, took my hand and led me to her bed. When she woke up, she got out of bed and knocked on her door till I opened it. I was rewarded with the biggest grin ever! Sweet thing! And tonight, I filled her cup with milk and led her to bed. She climbed in, laid down on the pillow, and I tucked her in. What a good girl!

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