Sunday, March 27, 2011


Why is it that EVERYONE is pregnant but me??? Or if their not pregnant, they just had a brand new baby. Where's mine????


rozanny said...

It seems to go in waves doesn't it... You'll have 7 newborns in your ward and then none... or in your family for that matter.

The Ray Family said...

There does seem to be a load of pregnancies happening right now. We have 5 babies due in the Ray family before Christmas including myself. CRAZY! If your trying, I hope you get yours soon.

Allison and Mason: said...

Really?! Well I do hope you get one soon then! :)

Holly Llewellyn said...

I'm not pregnant and I don't have a new baby either...we are in the same boat :)

Mormann Family said...

I didn't know you wanted anymore kids. The last time I actually physically saw you face to face was right after I got married and you were pregnant with Jade and you said you were done after her...

Lissa said...

Hmmm....Weird. I've wanted a whole slew of kids ever since I can remember. In fact, we started trying for #3 when Jade was only 6mo or so.