Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And Exciting Event

Earlier today, I sent Amber to her room for quiet time while the daycare kids were taking naps. I snuck in there and took a couple snaps of her concentrating on her artwork. Amber is such a talented artist. She'll draw, color, and paint for hours and hours. And her specialty is of course... horses! She draws them in many different poses: running, eating, wind blowing, getting bathed, jumping, riding, etc. I especially love the ones with the wind blowing her horse's tail around.
On to the exciting event....Amber lost her first tooth today!!! She was so ecstatic about it! I checked its progress after naptime, told her to eat a apple for snack, and she told me it was ready to come out cause it started to bleed. So I told her to get it out by dinner time or I would start yanking on it, and about 10 minutes later, she came dancing out of her room with her cute little grin! Yea, Amber! Of course, she ended up losing the tooth down the drain...but she wrote a very nice note for the toothfairy explaining what happened. Luckily, she has another loose tooth, so hopefully it won't be long till she gets another chance. =)


Unknown said...

Woohoo!! how exciting Amber! Can't believe she is getting so big!

Roma Li Wakamatsu Morgan said...

Sooooo did the tooth faith come, and what did she bring?? ;^)

Lissa said...

Yeah, toothfairy came. Amber wrote a really good letter. "My tooth is out. I took my tooth out of the bag and put it in the drain. Sorry." Hahahaha! She got a dollar. =)