Saturday, June 7, 2008


David pointed out to me yesterday that I complained about losing my weekend. I have to update this...actually retract it all together. See, I thought one of my daycare kids was going to be here today, but he's not coming. I do have an extra kid, but she's part of the family and I volunteered to keep her. I've been watching her off and on since she was 6 weeks old and she turns 2 next month. The kid is hilarious and we all love her! We're definately going to miss her and her mom when we move! I still didn't get to sleep in, but that's mostly cause Jade took over my 1/4 of the bed. Oh well! Maybe next week.....
Last week David bought himself a new toy. Yea toys! It's wireless and we have a wireless network card thingy incase we can't "borrow" anyone's internet. That way, we can use it anywhere at anytime. So far, he's used it here at home, at work, in a delivery truck, and at the pool. Yeah, he's a bit obsessed...but it's so fun! I haven't personally tested it out, but he assures me that it is. =)

Amber learned how to braid! And she braids pretty well...for a 6yr old! She was so proud to show me Jackson's tail. Amber put the rubber band in and everything all by herself. I think she braids better than Daddy! She wanted me to send a picture to Grandma right away. So hopefully, Mom, you check my blog every now and then and you can see how big your oldest grandaughter is getting.

The girls got these little carry-ons for the move. Jade's is Disney Princess and Amber's is Tinkerbell. They both came with a sleepingbag, pillow, and nightlight. Jade dragged hers around the house for 2 days straight before I finally took it away and put it in a closet. She kept going to "school" and wanted to know why she couldn't drag it to the park or around the front yard. I'm kinda wondering when the urge to try and keep things new and nice looking will start to kick in....
Poor little girl threw up tonight. We ran all our errands this morning, had lunch, went to a birthday party at the pool, went to see Kung Fu Panda (sooo funny!), ate at the mall, and as I was putting her to bed, little Jade threw up in my hand. At least I got her to the toilet in time. I just hope it's a temporary thing cause she doesn't have any extra weight to spare! Guess I'll be pushing fluids tomorrow. And we get to sleep in!!!!!! I just found out it's Stake Conference tomorrow! Bonus day!! Yea!!!!!


Cambria said...

Hey- I just saw a comment on my blog and I am having a hard time placing you. Did we go to high school together or something. Thanks-Cambria Memmott

Cambria said...

Duhhh- I didn't recognize you from your picture, and I was like I don't know anyone named Lissa- but of course I remember you! How cool that you live in Hawaii- that threw me off too! Anyway- so fun to browse your blog! Thanks for finding me!