Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jade!

It's my baby's 5th birthday today. I can't believe my little one is going into Kindergarten this fall. Jade has always been a sweet little thing. She loves to snuggle and give kisses. She's extremely easy-going and has a very nurturing personality. She'll be a great mother someday. And until then, she'll make an awesome big sister. Jade has always done things on her own! She was holding up her head the day we came home from the hospital, doing pushups at 2 weeks, on her hands and knees rocking at 2 months, and crawling like a pro by 3 months. She didn't stay down 5 months she figured out how to scoot on her knees to keep her hands off the floor. And then at 6 months she was furniture cruising and running at 9 months. Crazy kid! I love my little sweetie-pie!

March 2004




Again, no pics from 2005. Sorry! And for some reason, I can't find Jade's hospital pictures anywhere. =( I have no idea where they went. I'll have to dig in my printed pictures and see if there's any in the box. We sure love our little Jaders!
PS - Check out her totally unique grey eyes! I love them! =)


Mandy said...

she's adorable! wow running at 9 months!!!! that's crazy! Treson's almost 1 and still trying to get the walking thing down

ballerina girl said...

Such pretty eyes! Where did she get that color from?